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animal trapping Florida

Florida Wildlife Trappers provides animal trapping services throughout Orlando and Central Florida. Although, Florida Wildlife Trappers prefer humane noninvasive methods to rid a critter from a property there are situations that a Wildlife Exclusion cannot be performed and the animal must be trapped. Common animals that need to be trapped are Moles, Skunks, Foxes, Beavers, Muskrats, Coyotes, Opossums and Groundhogs. Not anyone can just trap an animal there are alot of factors that make for a successful trapping program along with having the appropriate permits from the Florida Division of Wildlife. Florida Wildlife Trappers technicians have the appropriate permits and perform successful trapping on a daily basis. If you think trapping may be right for your situation call us today we can evaluate and determine the best method to get rid of your nusiance pest.

Trapping Information

1Animal Determination: The first step in setting up a successful trapping program, the problem must be evaluated to determine the type of animal causing the damage. This will be done be evaluating the property for:

  • Inspection of the type of Animal Damage
  • Time of day the damage is occuring

2Select the Appropriate Trap: There are many traps on the market and selecting the right trap in imperative to a successful capture. Things to evaluate when selecting a trap.

  • What type of animal are you trying capture?
  • What type of trap can be used, a live trap versus a lethal?
  • The size of the trap must be determined? Is it a small, medium or large animal?

3Placement of the Trap: Placement of a trap is important to the success of capturing an animal. Appropriate trap placement must be determined by evaluating the following:

  • Trap placement is set away from noise and people to avoid spooking animal.
  • The animals travel pattern, the trap should be set where the animal is.
  • On a flat stable surface, or make sure the trap is secured.

4Selection of Bait: The correct bait for the correct animal and trap must be selected. The following will help determine bait selection.

  • Determine if you need bait, some trapping does not require bait.
  • If bait is needed, select bait appropriate for that animal.
  • If using a live trap, placement of bait must be should trigger the trap.
Some of the more common trapping programs provided in Orlando and surrounding Florida areas are:
  • Armadillo Trapping
  • Opossum Trapping
  • Skunk Trapping
  • Raccoon Trapping
fox trapping
opossum trapping
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Florida Wildlife Trappers
13790 Bridgewater Crossings Blvd
Windemere, FL 34786

(407) 617-1193
Orange County, Osceola County, Seminole County


(321) 732-4398
Polk, Lake, Sumter, Hillsborough, Hardie Counties

(305) 367-8010
Palm Beach, Miami-Dade, Martin, Broward Counties

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